Tuesday, June 19, 2007

New Week

So, I guess the last time I wrote we went to the beach. It was pretty unique. The sand is a deep black color with gold and shiny specks in it. The water was pretty much the same, a nice color, and little waves. There were lots of people playing soccer, and the area goiabove the beach had little hammocks and cabana type things. You could get a semi cold sprite or fanta. We walked back from there and stopped by the hostel that PC people only can stay in. There is actually a room that has air conditioning and a hot water heater...ohhhh...ahhhh... hehe. Yesterday we got more shots, typhoid in one arm and Hep A in the other.... (there is more tomorrow!) The typhoid was the most sore I have had from a vaccine. Yesterday I could barely move my arm! Anyhow, we are preparing ourselves for leaving the comforts of the compound in the "city" because we won't have extras like, showers, toilets, solid walls, ceiling fans etc.
Yesterday evening we Andy and I decided to try our hand at the bucket method of doing the laundry, and it was a lot of work. After we hung it all up we went to dinner, and went to bed. Well,... in the middle of the night about 3, I noticed that Andy had turned the fan on super fast, and then I noticed he was gone,.. I thought it might have gone to the bathroom, so I fell back asleep for a second,.. and I woke back up because the wind was rushing through the window and blowing the curtain and I noticed that he was gone still... and it took me a few seconds,... to realize that Oh my gosh my tank tops and clothes are going to blow away!~ because we don't have clothespins! So I frantically find my dress and put it on, and run out into the hallway,.. I check the bathroom for Andy, and he wasn't there, so I headed out of the hallway and outside, and he was there, I grabbed my headlamp and we started to gather up the clothes that dropped, and put them back on the line, when it started to really blow, .. there was dust everywhere,.. then.. it started to rain! So then we just went around as fast as we could gather up everything. Once we got inside our small room there was a challenge of finding places to hang wet clothes, but we eventually did. We ended up with some dirty clothes again, but hey, what can you do! Hehe. Oh, today we went to the big market downtown.,,.. let me just say ... oh my gosh! I was so overwhelmed, and we didn't have any practice with our "market terms and language" so it was difficult, and I felt hopeless! Well, I suppose that will get better with practice, but there were so many things everywhere, and back hallways, and people, and random things, that it is hard to know where to go to buy specific things, and if you are getting the lowest price possible!
I know this is long, but one more thing! We went to this crocodile pool, that is basically a big hole in the ground with a bunch of crocodiles in it, some people went up to "pet" it, and take pictures, (to me not so smart!), and the guy fed them in front of us.. I got a lot of mosquito bites... OH, yeah, they say that if you are an infertile woman, and you go and bathe in the crocodile pool, you will have a baby. (don't know if I believe that! I think it is a ploy to get infertile (useless) women to get eaten by crocodiles! hehe) Ok.. People are waiting for the computers... so I will have to catch up more later!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an adventure and lesson around every corner. Good luck with the laundry thing. Oy! Take care! love ya.
