Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Hello, man, last night was a bit difficult, because Andy and I switched beds (he insisted that his was much hotter). And I fell asleep fine, except I woke up and there was another storm, this time much worse, and I had to go to the bathroom.. there were more people in the unlucky position to get their laundry caught out in the rain, so there were people running out there in the lighting, rain, and extreme wind. There was something shorting out and sparking on the side of the building, so it all seemed a bit crazy in the middle of the night. So after I got back from the bathroom, I fell back asleep but woke up again because I felt something bite on my shoulder. I thought it might be mosquitos, so I tried to cover my body up with my sheet. In the morning I felt a large bit bump on my arm that was exposed, because I was sleeping on my right side, so my left arm has that one big bump and a ton of other bites. They itch a lot, and I guess there are either, 1)mosquitos, 2)an ant and mosquitos 3)bed bugs,..(yuk! I don't even want to look! because there is nothing I can do about it!) or 4) any combination of the previous three choices!
Yesterday we had that infamous two hours class on diarrhea, and other common diseases, and we learned all the horrible things that could, and probably very well will happen to us. And today in the same class we learned more about that, but also how to put up our mosquito net, filter and bleach our water... and went through everything that is in our extensive med. kit. Today we took our second dose of malaria medication, so hopefully everyone will be alright with that.. I went to the "supermarket" to try to find some things, but it gets very expensive right away, IF they have the things you are looking for. Tomorrow will be our last day here in this area until after training village. We are going to be very busy with our schedule, we have language pretty much from the moment we wake up for a couple of hours, then breakfast, then another couple of hours, and then we are supposed to go to our host families and practice with them for a few... so from like 8 am to 6 pm we will be doing that stuff, then we have to work in bucket baths, filtering/fetching water, and other things. Everyone says that they are totally exhausted at the end of each day.
So, that's about it for now, we have some more studying to do...
I don't know when the next blog will be because I probably won't have time to come over tomorrow, we will be busy with classes all day and then we have to pack to get ready to go on Friday. I feel kind of like what I was feeling on the plane over here, that I just want to hurry up and already see what it is like, and what the situation is already in the village.

Ok, oh, yeah, I might cut my hair short, or shave it (some girls have already done that!) I am going to try it out in training village having long hair, and if that doesn't work then off we go with it!


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