Friday, June 15, 2007

Ist full day in Gambia

Hello. Today was the first full day in Africa. We woke up and had breakfast, (we had some good rice porriage and things) and then we started into a rotation of going to get shots, interviewing with the director of our sections (mine, education), and going to the Peace Corps office. I only had to get one shot today, rabies, which is always good. Andy and I found out that the language we are going to be learning is called Mandinka. We had a good time learning from our teacher today, which everyone says looks like Dave Chappell, which he does but he is a little shorter. He also if very funny which makes it very easy to make mistakes and not have to worry about it! We learned the greetings today, but we shall see if I remember them tomorrow! Tomorrow we are going to go to a mosque and check it out together, it shall be interesting. Everyone here if very nice and ready to help you, I had a conversation with a school boy today on the street when we were walking from the office to where we are staying. He spoke very good english. On Sunday we are going to go to the beach, we saw pictures of it today, it looks very nice. Sorry there is a lack of details in my blogs so far, but I am still trying to catch up on sleep, we planned to get to bed early tonight but I don't think that is going to happen. Last night I slept well, and only woke up once, but we had to wake up early and have been going, going, going all day long. Ya know, living in this compound feels like living in Puerto Rico, with the kind of tropical-ness, the cold showers and humid conditions, the strange animal noises outside that we dont' quite know what they are... Well, thats about it for now, Talk to you guys later! Hope you are going well.


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