Saturday, June 9, 2007

Getting Started

Ok, everyone that knows me knows that I don't have that much computer tolerance. So I am going to be brief in my blog start, because setting it up used up a lot. It is Saturday, and Andy and I are leaving for West Africa on Monday morning. Man, it has been a lot of work (over a year in the making), and it has really yet to begin! We keep finding things we need to get or do before we go, and I am so ready to just be done with it! I guess we won't really feel like we can stop until we are on the plane heading for Washington D.C. That is where we are going for staging. Staging will be a few days of quick pre-training, lots of vaccinations, and piling x number of people in a van to go to the airport. After that it will be a skip, hop and a jump to Africa. (Actually we will be going through Brussels and then Senegal, to get to our country of service, The Gambia).

I think that Andy did a really great job of outlining our jobs and things in his blog so here is his:

Links to Information about The Gambia:
CIA Factbook:

**Look for the pictures heading towards the bottom for some cool pictures**

Peace Corps:

Lonely Planet:

Ok, well gotta go now, Charlie is setting up a feast of a breakfast! Yumm-o!


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