Saturday, September 15, 2007


Hi, I back, I decided to come back to the internet cafe with Andy today, because it would help pass the time so I wouldnt think about eating so much! So, yesterday was the first day of fasting, and man it was difficult! In the morning at 4:30am we got up and ate bread and eggs and tried to drink as much as possible. After that we went back to bed until it was time for work. I rode to work and was there at the time I was supposed to meet my colleagues, but no one was around. I lolly gagged around for about an hour and a half, doing some work in the staff lounge before giving up and going to visit Andy at the beekeepers place. It was a little ride from the college but it was around 11:30 and it was very sunny and hot. After I checked that out I rode back home and stood in front of the fan to cool off for a bit. It wasnt good to be sweating so much when I wasn´t drinking or eating! So after we relaxed under the tree for a while Andy went inside to work on some stuff with a co-worker and I sat outside in the hammock we just bought from Andyś co-worker. I read for a was very comfortable. :) Then Andy went to another volunteers house while I went to the internet. But I went a different way and got really lost and ended up walking down this street forever (about 45 minutes) and was so hot and sweaty and feeling like I was going to pass out that I turned back around. But not before I tried to ask some girls where the Nice cafe¨was. They promptly led me to a bitik down the street where I could buy Nescafe coffee! heeh. So I turned back around and got to this intersection looked to my right, and lo and behold I could see the sign for the nice internet cafe at the end! so I went -after some more muddy trails, and sat down at the computer. I looked at the screen and just to the right of it was that sign for ¨cool water for sale now¨. Man, everytime I took my eyes off the screen I read it, and wanted to cry! I started contemplating what my course of action would be if I passed out! After the internet cafe I had to get stuff for breakfast the next morning and also needed to get omo (laundry soap). But I did not want to go because I was so delirious and hungry plus I had my bike and it is very difficult to wheel around large potholes filled with mud and rainwater and through the narrow walkways that wind through some of the market. I circled a portion of it, eyeing things that I needed to buy before pumping myself up to go around again and actually buy the stuff. Its not that I dont like going there it was that I was very tired and wanted to go home and lay there until food came! So I gathered strength from somewhere and went and bought some eggs, tomatoes, and potatoes for some omelets and fried potatoes. I got home unloaded my stuff and chilled out till the food came. We were told that they break fast by drinking tea and eating bred, so when a plate of pasta, onion sauce,chicken, and fried potatoes came we chowed down thinking it was dinner. With Andyś help we ate the whole plate, washed it and returned it. About a hour or so later Andy was lamenting his suddenly full belly when Fatou J. comes up with a food bowl and says here is dinner! Andy just gaped at her them remembered to speak and thank her. He came inside and, his mouth still open, said ¨They brought us dinner?!¨ Apparently that first round of food was to break the fast! Little did we know! So after a marathon of eating we went to bed to wake up again this morning at 4:30. All night I was working out in my mind how I would orchestrate the breakfast so as to have the omelets and fried potatoes and tea ready as quickly as possible. When I awoke I started immediately because ---surprise! I was hungry! So I chopped the potatoes into tiny pieces to cook them up fast, Andy sat down with a bowl to crack the eggs into and whip up for the omelets. I continued chopping and heard him bang the egg against the side of the bowl, then he said,¨uh, Lydia?!¨ so I turned around and looked to see him holding a hard-boiled egg with half the shell cracked off! apparently folks I had unknowingly bought hard-boiled eggs! so much for omelets!

Well, that is the latest saga, but if you check out Andyś blog he has a version too. We arent doing much today, I just have my mind on the price once again, (the food at the end of the day! :) I am going to have to stop fasting as son as there is real work for me because I have a severe lack of energy when I am! Hope you are all well! Write me or something!

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