Monday, May 12, 2008

OK, I'll write! hehe

Happy Mothers Day! (sorry a little late!)

Ok, I guess people actually do read this thing! So, back to blogging...Though I don't have much.
Well, let's start off with a few random sightings..
Have you ever seen?:
-A large horned cow digging around in a dumpster?
-an ice cream man pushing a cart that says of the side, "ice crime"
-a young girl approach an upside down cocharoach to kill it, and it hop up and start running around the front room, meanwhile said girl just happened to have a machete in her hand, so there she is chasing a cockaroach waiving a machete..
-a frogs googly eyes peeking up at you from where the water from you bath drains
-a man trying to teach at a school for the deaf... and while being observed keeps saying to you the observer, "it's not easy teaching, these students are deaf,.. I don't know sign language very well,... "
-your little brother eating the bits of dough your pinching off from your tortillas because they have weevels or little worms.. even after you tell him they are there and you show him...

OK, enough of those-of course those are daily occurances so, more to come later...

I don't know if Andy wrote about when he planted some trees in our compound, but they have started to come up, there are pigeon peas and moringa. But this morning we wake up to a horrible goat sound baa-ing, and Andy jumps up out of bed and goes outside and there is a goat tied up right next to some of his new trees! I don't know if it ate any of them, (but yesterday some of the chickens dug up some).
Just a few hours later, that goat was in goat heaven, and a bowl of meat was brought to me on my way out the door to work. So, I had to run back inside and put the meat away. (away means in a bowl with some salt water to hang out till this evening when we have to figure out what to do with it). I think someone gave our neighbors the goat for charity. But I'm not sure.

mom and dad had sent us some kids books and one of them was a little golden book Finding Nemo, and a friend over here had the movie, so I told the older girls if one of them read the book aloud to the other kids, we would watch the movie afterwards. And Fatou M. did, she did a great job, and we went over to watch the movie, I even popped pop corn, we started the movie and...... the sound cut out about 10 minutes in...It was very sad, but a week later I got another copy of it, and we ended up watching it. They really liked it!

We just finished our education in service training week from April 28-May 2nd. It was a lot of sitting in a boardroom setting talking from 8:30-5... monday-Friday... but it did make me think about all the things we could be doing here.. which made me more anxious that I don't have the time to finish everything, or even get them started! It also makes it harder to figure out what to do this summer, because all the schools will be on break, and a majority of the major work I have it with the college or the nursery school.
After a short mid-service crisis, two of my goals for the summer are to re write the curriculum with the nursery school, and work at the college on their extension programs if possible.

There are a few parents visiting our friends here this summer, and we are happy because they are to come and stop by our place too. So we can feel a little bit of what it's like to show people around where we live and the people, and our "amazing" Mandinka skills!

Well, hope you kept up with that really scatterbrain entry. I'm sure I will have more to write later this week, till then!

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