Tuesday, April 1, 2008

What day is it?

Well, just a quick note to my sister and mom, Happy Birthday! (I would have put it up on their respective birthdays, but I understand that there was little chance that they would have actually looked at it then, seeing how my sister doesn't have internet, or an email address.. ! and my mom probably did not want to waste her birthday away waiting for their slow internet to get going). But anyhow if there is a chance that you read this, hope you had good birthdays and I did try to text both of you,.. don't know if you got it.
Well, this morning I had gotten dressed and gathered our buckets to get water and went outside to the tap. My host mom was there washing clothes, Fatou Matta was there washing dishes, Alieu was there eating, and Alieu asks me in Mandinka to answer Ndea (our host mom),... I was thoroughly confused, seeing how I had just gotten outside... and Fatou M. just started laughing, so I just thought... uh.. I don't understand, and now they are laughing at me,..(albeit a familiar situation here in this different culture and language).. I just thought they were all a little coookie this morning. But then Fatou M. said, "April Fools" I'm sure I gave her a puzzled look before I realized, oh yeah! Today is April Fools day! Wait,...! How did you know about it? But before they could answer they asked if Ansumana was in the house, and went to knock on the door. When he came out they told him his co-worker came by and said he needed to get to work right now! (which wasn't true) but they are amateurs at this April fools thing so give them a break. Of course he didn't really understand what was going on, but figured it out when I was smirking when we came in to eat breakfast. So during breakfast we were rapidly contemplating a turn it around on them joke. After getting shot down a few times, Andy finally agreed on one that we could do.
I am always making "strange" things to eat that I give to the family to try, and most of the time, they smile pleasantly and I'm sure feed it to the goats! I was sipping my tea when I got inspiration, and said that we should put some water in a mug like mine, and then spice it up with some Gambian style hot pepper sauce. But then I had to get over my giggles before taking it over. I first started looking for Fatou M. because I was a little scared of giving it to our host mom,, but when I was carrying around the mugs (mine with real tea in it and the "joke" mug) looking for her, Ndea saw me, and I took the opportunity to play the joke on her instead. So I said, oh, I was looking for Fatou M. to let her try some of this tea,.. do you want to try it? and gave it to her to sip, sipping on my own tea cup for encouragement. hehe. And I watched her take a drink of the cold hot pepper water, her face instantly contorted then immediately she put it into a pleasant look, but I could tell that she was just thinking,"Another one of Borry's crazy creations!", So I started laughing and called out April Fools!" and she burst out laughing. Meanwhile Ansumana is watching the whole thing through the front window, and comes out where everyone is laughing some more. It was great! But now I'm on the lookout for any jokesters out there! hehe

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